Back to work – Volume! special issue (M. Perrenoud & P. Bataille dir.)

Volume 18(1) “Back to work”

This issue of the French journal Volume! is dedicated to music as work. In the history of social sciences, it is well known that Howard Becker’s early work on the activity of “dance musicians” in late 1940’s Chicago was both a study on deviance and the analysis of an occupational group and of a social world. Today, it is necessary to consider more seriously the professional, material, and economic dimensions of practices that are obviously “artistic”, and that also unfold in a contrasted and very unequal labor and employment market. The six papers in this issue were written by members of the Working in Music international research network. The authors, who come from a variety of European countries (Greece, Switzerland, Great Britain, France), mobilize various fields as well as a common corpus of references, showing how dynamic contemporary research on musical work is.


Marc Perrenoud et Pierre Bataille Back to work ! [Texte intégral] Introduction

Andy Battentier Le genre musical comme prisme d’analyse de la distribution des responsabilités esthétiques d’une performance musicale [Résumé | Accès restreint] The Specific Power of Each Art World’s Actor Over a Music Performance’s Script and Meaning: Music Genres Through Sociological Lens

Reguina Hatzipetrou-Andronikou et Dimitra Papastavrou Des instrumentistes sur le devant de la scène. Apprentissage du métier et modalités de travail dans deux scènes de renouveau musical en Grèce [Résumé | Accès restreint] Instrumentalists in the Foreground. Professional Socialization and Musical Work Within two Greek Revival Milieus

Nuné Nikoghosyan Travail ou loisir ? Typologie des carrières dans les tribute bands en Suisse [Résumé | Accès restreint] Work or Leisure? Typology of Tribute Band Careers in Switzerland

Jérémy Sinigaglia De la bohème à l’organisation scientifique du travail : la diffusion des pratiques néo-managériales chez les musiciens [Résumé | Accès restreint] From Bohemian to the Scientific Organization of Work: the Dissemination of Neo-Managerial Practices among Musicians

Charles Umney « Musiciens fonctionnels », technologie et rapport de classe [Résumé | Accès restreint] “Function” Musicians, Technology and Class Relationships

Book review

Paco Garcia Maria Eriksson, Rasmus Fleischer, Anna Johansson, Pelle Snickars, Patrick Vonderau, Spotify Teardown. Inside the Black Box of Streaming Music [Texte intégral]

Cite this blog post
pierrebataille (2021, May 6). Back to work – Volume! special issue (M. Perrenoud & P. Bataille dir.). Working in Music. Retrieved April 18, 2024, from

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