Author: Nuné Nikoghosyan

The history of drummers as workers

Matt BrennanUniversity of Glasgow [This blog post is excerpted from the author’s book, Kick It: A Social History of the Drum Kit (Oxford University Press, 2020).] Q: What’s the difference between a drummer and a savings...

Class, Control, and Classical Music (Anna Bull)

Published August 2019 by Oxford University Press Why is classical music predominantly the preserve of the white middle classes? Contemporary associations between classical music and social class remain underexplored, with classical music primarily studied...

What streaming does to musical work

By Nuné Nikoghosyan University of Geneva While streaming first appeared in the early 2000s and has become an everyday activity, a sociologist of music can’t help but question the reality of streaming services and...

In The Swim of Things: From Folk to Sensitizing Concepts

By Robert Faulkner Professor emeritus, University of Massachusetts Amherst Guest of honour La Rochefoucauld remarked that one can know things well only when one knows them in detail. Yet detail is infinite. Hence our...

CFP: Music and Democracy: beyond Metaphors and Idealization

21 June 2019  University of Huddersfield Convened by Igor Contreras Zubillaga (British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Huddersfield) and Robert Adlington (University of Huddersfield) Keynote speaker: Esteban Buch (CRAL/EHESS, Paris) Democracy has been an ideal for musicians...

Hip-hop monde(s) ? [revue]

Appel à contributions (délai: 30 septembre 2018) Né il y a plus de trente ans dans les ghettos noirs américains, le hip-hop s’est progressivement détaché de son premier contexte d’émergence et a circulé d’un...

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