Lausanne 2018

Working in Music 2018

The second Working in Music conference was held at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland in 2018 (11-13 January). 

The organizing committee consisted of: Pierre Bataille (Université Libre de Bruxelles), Fabiana Carrer-Joliat (Université de Lausanne), Nuné Nikoghosyan (Université de Genève), Marc Perrenoud (Université de Lausanne), Loïc Riom (Mines Paris Tech).

Some 50 researchers from around the world came together to discuss issues related to musical labour and production. The topics ranged from inequalities and discrimination, to occupational identities and lifestyles, not forgetting teaching and learning, collective actions, support personnel and intermediaries, as well as new trends.

You can download the full programme of the Lausanne conference.

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